The Heart that's Meant to Love You in English Love Stories by Anaisha books and stories PDF | The Heart thats Meant to Love you

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The Heart thats Meant to Love you

As I walked inside the Grandeur Hotel, my eyes widened in surprise. Everything seemed so surreal, so dreamlike that I literally felt that I am in a whole new world.
I was truly mesmerized by the intricate beauty of the large hall.
Whether it be the large beautiful golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling or the shiny patterns of the floor on which I was standing, everything looked very fascinating. My eyes took in every minute details of the beautiful hall.

" Mmmhh... "
Someone coughed in distance bringing me out of my daze. I immediately looked towards the source of the sound and lowered my head in embarrassment when I spotted my boss staring me with amusement. He stepped forward and stood before me.

" Miss Kavya, if you'll spend your whole time by just standing here then when will you go to the main event?"
He asked me, his voice hiding an undertone of teasing.

" Uhmm, Sorry sir ", I murmured slowly, too embarrassed by the fact that he literally caught me gawking at this place. What would he think about me?

He leaned a little lower to come to my height and whispered in my ear, " Its okay Kavya, you don't need to apologize for such a small thing besides let me tell you a secret, even I reacted just like you but in a more wild way when I saw a luxurious hotel for the first time in my life. I literally yelled " Holy shit " when I stepped inside and trust me the whole staff looked me like I was crazy .......Hey but don't tell this to anyone."

A chuckle escaped my mouth as soon as I heard him and I glanced at him only to find him looking me back with a smile.

" Don't worry I would not tell anyone ", I replied him back with a soft smile.
He smiled and nodded back at me in return.

"Miss Kavya, you're looking very beautiful ", all of a sudden he commented surprising me for a second.

" Thank you sir ", I replied back in shyness.
For a few seconds, a comfortable silence settled between us as we just looked at each other, without saying anything.

" Okay, Shall we go inside now ", he asked politely as he held out his hand in a gesture.
I nodded in affirmation and kept my hand in his palm.

We walked through the lobby of the hotel and reached the main hall where the Awards Ceremony were going to be conducted.

" Your names sir and mam ?", the hotel staff standing next to the entrance door of the hall asked, looking both of us one by one.

" Kartik Agarwal ", boss replied with a stern voice.
" Okay Sir. Your name mam?", The staff member looked at me
" Kavya ", I replied slowly.
" Ummm Kavyaaa ....?", he questioned again, expecting from me to answer my full name.
I noticed Kartik sir going stiff for a second and I sighed.
" Kavya Malhotra ", I said looking down.
" Okay thank you Sir and Mam ", the staff member replied back.
" Let's go inside Kavya ", Kartik sir gently gripped my hand and dragged me with him inside the hall.
The interior of the hall was even more beautiful. The lightings, chandeliers, beautiful long curtains, different flowers, candles everything was perfect. I have never seen anything this beautiful. I looked around the whole hall and noticed the crowd. Each and everyone was looking beautiful in their own way. Men wearing different colours tuxedo and women cladded in beautiful different colour gowns, each and everyone was looking stunning.

I glimpsed at the dress I was wearing, it was an off-shoulder black colour full-length gown fitted tightly around my torso with a princess-like skirt in the bottom.

" Kartik sir, you made it here", Latika, Kartik sir's secretary literally squealed as she walked towards us. My attention diverted on the sky blue gown she was wearing which was quite a scandalous outfit to wear on Business Award show but then she knows what she is wearing right...

" Umm yeah latika just speak a little lower ", Kartik sir answered her as he looked her but then he also diverted his gaze from her.

" You're looking alright Kavya ", Latika stated as she looked me up and down with a scrutinizing gaze, " but you could have dressed better, you're even lowering Kartik Sir's image by standing next to him. What would people think that one of the top businessmen of India is standing next to someone not so classy? Am I right sir?", Latika smirked at me.

" Well, I don't care about what other people think Latika. Also, no one asked for your suggestions but thank you for saying that I looked alright, I wish I could say the same for you too", I replied as I narrowed my eyes and smirked at her in return.

Kartik sir chuckled as he looked me with amusement while latika just glared at me in fury.
" I need to go somewhere, please excuse me ", stomping her heels she walked away from us not before giving me an angry glare.

" Well done, Miss Kavya, " Kartik sir said with a grin as soon as she left and I smiled back at him.

" Oh, Kartik my child! How have you been "?, An elder lady dressed in a peach colour gown approached us and hugged Kartik sir while I stared at both of them.
" I am fine aunt, how are you ?" he answered her back with a polite smile.
" Never better dear", the lady then looked at me, "Oh and who is she? Someone special?", the lady asked in a teasing tone as she looked at me.
My eyes widened on hearing her and I instantly lowered my head awkwardly.
" Uhmmm...No aunt, nothing like that but yeah she is someone important to me ", Kartik sir replied her back.
I immediately looked at him in surprise as soon as he said those words and our gazes interlocked with each other.

" Mhmmm ", a small cough in distance broke our gazing trance and I immediately diverted my eyes from him.

" Uhmm okay, it's nice to meet you too dear ...oh and didn't I forget to mention that you're looking very beautiful ", Kartik sir's aunt said to me with a smile as she engulfed me in a hug.
" Thank you so much, Mam ", I replied back in return with a soft smile.

" Oh don't be this formal, my child. Oh and Kartik, come with me, you're uncle would be so happy to see you after so long," she said, looking Kartik sir in excitement.
In the next second, she gripped Kartik sir's hand and started dragging him with her.

He looked over his shoulder and mouthed, "
I Will be back" and then left with her.
" Ladies and Gentleman, the award for Best Business Entrepreneur this year goes to Mr Kartik Agarwal."

All the people clapped for Kartik sir as he walked to the stage and received the award.
I cheered for him in sheer joy. To be honest, I was really very happy for him because I work under him and I have seen the hard work he does every day for the Company and its employees.

Kartik sir flashed me a smile as he walked up to me with the trophy in his hands.
" Congratulations sir, you really deserved this trophy ", I said in excitement as I looked at his happy face and then the trophy in his hands.

" Thank you so much Kavya, in fact, this trophy would not have been mine without yours and other employees efforts, " he exclaimed, softly smiling at me.
" Come, let's sit down, " Kartik sir said pointing at the empty chairs.
We sat on the chairs and then for the next few minutes we watched and cheered for other people who got the awards for their excellent performance in the Business world.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, this next award goes to the person who has claimed his throne of being king of the business world. He has not only spread his business in India but his business is widespread globally. His company has provided the most number of employment to the youth of this nation and strengthened the economic growth of this country so without any delay let's welcome the Best Businessman of this year...Mr Vikram Malhotra."

Goosebumps rise on my skin as I heard his name.

I could feel my heart going wild on feeling him somewhere around me. I closed my eyes because I didn't have the courage to look at him.

" Thank you Everyone ", his husky voice rang in my ears shaking my body with anxiety and need at the same time. I didn't even took me a second to recognize his voice.

" This award belongs to each and every employee of my company. Thank you," his chilling voice again reached my ears while I just kept my eyes closed.

"Haaaan", I gasped in fear and a loud shriek escaped my throat as someone shook my shoulders unexpectedly.
"Woah....what happened Kavya, are you fine ?", Kartik sir asked in concern.

I gulped awkwardly when I felt eyes on me by some people who were sitting around me and I instantly lowered my head in embarrassment on realising that I acted in such an unmannered way.

" No sir, I am not feeling well. I need to go home ", I murmured softly as I again looked at his concerned face and then without even hearing him further I rushed out from the hall in a hurry.
I hurriedly walked inside the elevator and immediately pressed on the button to the basement floor of the hotel where I have parked my car.

As the doors of the lift started closing, I released the breath I have been holding.
Palming my wildly beating heart, I leaned against the metallic wall of the lift.

All of a sudden, the lift gates stopped from closing completely and I noticed someone's foot inserted between the small partition left between the two doors stopping them from closing completely.

The doors of the elevator opened wide in the next second and my breath hitched on seeing the person standing on the other side.

He slowly stepped inside the lift and I pushed myself more against the metallic wall, silently hoping to disappear from here.
"Oh What a pleasant surprise, it's nice to meet you after so long...Wifey!",He said in an icy cold voice flashing me a huge grin, the smile not reaching his eyes.

Thank you